Tag Archives: skin

Skin – Excessive Sweating Treatments With Antiperspirants

If you sweat excessively, you have got many treatment options. They include use of antiperspirants, Iontophoresis, Botox injections, surgery and other medications. Out of these antiperspirants are the first lines of treatment because they are noninvasive. Let us learn more about how to use antiperspirants to get good results. Antiperspirants being applied on the surface of the skin block the sweat glands and do not allow sweat to come on the surface of the skin. Aluminum salts are the most common ingredients of antiperspirants. For different locations, […]

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Skin Care – Do You Sweat Excessively?

If you feel that you sweat excessively, please consult your doctor and find out. There is no measurement of normal sweating. So each of us have to find out if we are sweating excessively, normally or very less. If excess perspiration is your problem, find out more about it below. Please note that excessive sweating may be of two types. In the first instance your body naturally sweats more and in the second instance, you sweat more because of some conditions and diseases. The first condition is […]

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