Category Archives: Excesssive Sweating FAQs

Excessive Underarm Sweating – What Is the Easiest and Safest Cure?

Nobody wants to talk about excessive sweating or sweaty underarms, although it’s a common problem for a lot of people. It’s a visual embarrassment and also a smelly concern! Sweating is one of the ways we regulate our body temperature, and sweating also keeps our skin moist. If you suffer from excessive sweating, it’s not because you have too many sweat glands, it’s because of the nerve cell activity of those glands. There are two types of sweat glands, apoccrine and eccrine glands. Not surprisingly, at least […]

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Skin – Excessive Sweating Treatments With Antiperspirants

If you sweat excessively, you have got many treatment options. They include use of antiperspirants, Iontophoresis, Botox injections, surgery and other medications. Out of these antiperspirants are the first lines of treatment because they are noninvasive. Let us learn more about how to use antiperspirants to get good results. Antiperspirants being applied on the surface of the skin block the sweat glands and do not allow sweat to come on the surface of the skin. Aluminum salts are the most common ingredients of antiperspirants. For different locations, […]

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Beauty Care – What is Sweat?

Sweat is the body’s natural defense to maintain the body temperature. Sweat normally contains water, and very small amounts of salt, urea, sugar and ammonia. By sweating body cools itself of the heat that may get generated because of outside temperature, physical work, and emotional stress. Some diseases can also cause sweating. For that you should consult your doctor. Over and under sweating- some of us may suffer from over sweating (hyperhidrosis) or very less or no sweating (anhidrosis). Very low sweating may be life threatening, while […]

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